Monday, September 14, 2020

Top Benefits of eating dry fruits in Morning | Bestcaretips

If we call dry fruits as super foods then it won’t be wrong. Dry fruits are store house of numerous nutrients, vitamins, and minerals etc.  We are so engaged in our daily schedule that it is really difficult to maintain complicated diets that include several steps which are to be followed throughout the day. It is comparatively easier to consume something nutritional in the morning or at the bed time which can benefit our health and provide required nutrition to the body with fewer efforts. One such thing is eating dry fruits and nuts in the morning. There are innumerable benefits of eating dry fruits in morning

Top  Benefits of eating dry fruits in Morning | Bestcaretips

What are the Benefits of eating dry fruits in morning?

Eating dry fruits in the morning is more beneficial than any other time during the day. Also the benefits of eating dry fruits increase manifolds if we consume them in the morning after soaking dry fruits overnight. Also it is advised not to eat dry fruits along with food or immediately after eating the food. So that is one more reason due to which eating dry fruits in morning is much more beneficial. 

Help fight against Diseases and Boost immunity – Dry fruits contain abundance of vitamins, minerals, iron, folate, potassium, zinc and magnesium. These nutrients helps in improving immune system and support generation of white blood cells which helps in fighting against diseases and recover faster. 

Helps in weight loss – Eating Dry fruits in morning helps in weight loss. If dry fruits are consumed in morning then they satisfy hunger levels and makes you feel fuller this way you end up eating less food in morning resulting in lesser calories and sugar content. Also dry fruits provide nutrients to body and make you lose extra appetite along with good health.

Helps in combatting cancer – Dry fruits and nuts contain Phytonutrients which helps in prevention and growth of cancer cells in the body. If soaked almonds are consumed in the morning then they helps in fighting against cancer cells specifically for breast cancer. Eating walnuts, peanuts and Brazil nuts can also prevent the risk of developing cancer cells in the body.

Helps in keeping stomach healthy – Dry fruits are rich in fiber contents and antioxidants. Eating Prunes, figs or Anjeer helps in keeping digestive system healthy and ensure proper bowel movement which results in prevention of constipation. Eating dates, pistachios, walnuts and soaked almonds and raisins helps in keeping the gut healthy and happy.

Provides healthy skin – Eating dry fruits first thing in the morning provides a healthy, radiant and youthful skin. It works magically on the skin if we consume soaked almonds and raisins in the morning. Walnuts and Pistachios helps in boosting skin elasticity and remove dead skin cells resulting in glowing and nourished skin.

Keep the Hearth healthy and fights anxiety – Dry fruits contain high level of anti-inflammatory properties, they are rich in iron, vitamin E, magnesium and potassium which helps in controlling cholesterol and blood pressure ultimately resulting in making heart healthy. Dry fruits contain beta carotene that fights against depression and anxiety. 

These are few of the numerous benefits of eating dry fruits in the morning. The advantages increase manifold when dry fruits are consumed empty stomach in the morning and everyone should include this habit of eating dry fruits in morning in their lifestyle to maintain a healthy and happy life.

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Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water In Morning


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Do you know the real Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair?


Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair.

Are you undergoing any hair issues?

Don't worry. Onion is the perfect solution for all hair related problems. Extracting juice from an onion and applying it all over your scalp has been one of the finest natural hair treatments. It is recommended to even consume one spoon of onion juice daily since it is good for our health. Check some effective benefits of Onion juice for hair growth

Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair bestcaretips

Benefits of using Onion Juice

 Let us know about some benefits of using an onion on your hair.

1.  Reduces breakage and thinning of hair.

Onion contains sulfur components which are very essential for regenerating the hair follicles.

2.  Replenishes the nutrients.

Sometimes our scalp lacks the needed nutrients essential for hair growth. The pulps of onion really play a crucial role in replenishing the nutrients which you might have lost.

3.  Helps in treating fungal and bacterial infections.

Many times, we get to see hair fall-related issues because of fungal and bacterial infections. It helps to treat those infections effectively.

4.  Premature Greying.

Everyone fears the premature greying of hair. You need to simply extract the juice from the onion and spread it throughout your scalp.

5.  Collagen Production.

Applying onion juice can be very productive since it also helps in growing our hair at an effective rate.


Does onion really helps in treating our hair related issues?

Yes, of course. Onions contain a very high amount of dietary sulfur. Nowadays, everyone with hair-related issues undergoes Keratin treatment. However, Keratin contains a lot of sulfur which helps in the effective regeneration of our hair.

We come to the conclusion that Onion contains the elements of Keratin which help in effective regeneration and smoothening of hair.

Wrapping up

It is always advised to try natural home-made medicines (as in hair) instead of relying on pharmaceutical oils, medicines, conditioners, and whatnot. Sometimes pharmaceutical products result in more loss of hair. However, it depends on one body system to another.


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Surprising Health Benefits Of Eating Watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit that is loved by all. Do you know it has innumerable benefits? Sometimes it becomes arduous to state its benefits. Watermelon is known for its mesmerizing flavor and water content. It is recommended for all whether thin, fat, and whatnot. The amount of calories present in it is comparatively low than other fruits. 

Watermelons don't undergo any age boundations. Children, aged and anyone can have it because of its health benefits. 


Health Benefits of eating watermelon

Some of the most important health benefits of eating watermelon are as follows : 

1. Keeps your body Hydrated.

It is seen that most of the people avoid or forget drinking water. It hampers our health vigorously. We must always aim to keep ourselves hydrated. Watermelon contains more than 90% of water. It is best suited for keeping us hydrated. It is best for treating stomach issues.

It helps in proper replenishment of electrolytes in our body which are readily reduced when one sweats. It helps in smoothing the digestion process. In simpler words, it is good for our digestive system.

2. Source of Micronutrients. 

Other than containing lycopene, it contains vitamins, minerals, and many antioxidants. It is rich in Vitamin A and C. It also contains Citrulline which is an amino acid. It helps in the proper functioning of the kidney.

3. Keeps your Heart Healthy.

Eating watermelon regularly helps in keeping the heart-healthy. It deposits no fat inside the blood vessels.

It also helps in maintaining the immune system of the body.

4. Reduces Inflammation.

Diseases like diabetes, arthritis, blood pressure problems, and so on are the result of excess inflammation. As stated earlier, it contains lycopene which reduces stress. Apart from that lycopene is good for the brain.

5. Maintains the Blood Pressure Level.

Citrulline always helps in increasing the production of nitric oxide. Watermelon helps in maintaining the blood flow. It reduces hypertension. Patients with stress issues are always prescribed to eat watermelons.

6. Helps in Effective Digestion.

Nowadays, most of people are suffering from stomach related issues. It is because of digestion issues. Watermelon consists of a lot of fibers. Fibers in turn help in the smooth movement of food.

Watermelons work best with mint. It is good for health and fitness.

7. Improves vision. 

Eyes are one of the most essential organs of our body. Lycopene is best for improving eye-sight. With digitalization, eye patients have increased rapidly. It is very essential to add the same in our diet.


Fruits are important for our diet. It helps us to lead a healthy life. 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Top Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair Growth | Best Care Tips

Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Are you also worried about hair fall? Do you know the simply available kitchen ingredient is how much beneficial for your hairs? This is one of the effective homemade hair remedies against hair loss and hair thinning issues. Yes, I am talking about “Onion juice for hair growth”.  Someone who is struggling with hair fall in this season can take a trial with onion. Onion juice is extremely useful for hair care and it is the perfect solution for boosting up your hair naturally.

Top Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair Growth | Best Care Tips

Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair Growth

  • Onions are rich in ingredients that fight fungus and bacteria and can keep your hair free of pollution and recover hair growth.

  • Onion can nourish the hair and refill the nutrients in which your hair got lost.

  • Onions especially comprise certain minerals, which may be good for the hair loss.

  • Also beneficial for treating dandruff, onion juice or pulp clear the scalp if you use it regularly.

  • Onion juice has shown some results of adding volume to hair when used routinely.

onion juice for hair growth

How to use Onion Juice

You can use onion juice along with egg and honey. This is especially beneficial for dry hair. Egg carries multivitamin nutrients for your hair and Honey is a great moisturizer and will make hair soft and smooth. These are some ideas of using onion juice with egg and honey on your hair.

Let’s Enjoy your dense beautiful hair with onions! 🙂